

After performing installation, by default, your sandbox instance will be capable of processing one sample at a time. The service that performs the actual analysis is called drakrun@<instance_number>. You can check the state of a particular instance by executing:

systemctl status drakrun@1

You can change the number of parallel workers by executing:

draksetup scale <num_instances>

Scaling up

Assuming you have a single instance but you want to be able to process 10 samples in parallel, you should execute:

draksetup scale 10

The setup script will configure and start additional instances named from drakrun@2 to drakrun@10.

Scaling down

Analogously, you can scale down by repeating the same command with the smaller number of instances, e.g.:

draksetup scale 7

Assuming you had 10 instances previously, it will cause drakrun@8 to drakrun@10 to be disabled and shut down. If the analysis is pending on these instances, the command will gracefully wait until it’s finished.


Analysis postprocessing doesn’t need hypervisor access, so it can be done in separate servers, assuming they have same configuration and connect to same minio & redis instances. This is highly recommended if you can afford such setup, as this frees resources on servers running hypervisor.

By default only 1 instance of postprocess worker is started and when running multiple instances of drakrun - needs to be scaled up. As a rule of thumb you can assume safe ratio of postprocess to drakrun workers to be 1:3 (however, this ratio can vary depending on performance of the platform and analysis duration). To startup more postprocessing instances just start more instances of drak-postprocess@ service. By default only 1 is present, so be sure to scale it accordingly to your needs.

The following command will start second postprocessing worker.

systemctl enable --now drak-postprocess@2