Using Intel Processor Trace Features (Experimental)

Enable IPT plugin in drakrun

  1. In /etc/drakrun/config.ini, add ipt plugin under [drakvuf_plugins] section __all__ in order to enable IPT tracing.

  2. In /etc/drakrun/scripts/cfg.template add a new entry: vmtrace_buf_kb = 8192

  3. Execute systemctl restart drakrun@1 (repeat for each drakrun instance if you have scaled them up).

Install required extra dependencies

In order to analyze IPT data streams, you need to install libipt, xed, ptdump (modified), ptxed and drak-ipt-blocks tools.

rm -rf /tmp/iptbuild
mkdir /tmp/iptbuild
cd /tmp/iptbuild

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

cd xed
./ --share
./ --prefix=/usr/local install

cd ../libipt
git checkout
cmake -D PTDUMP=On -D PTXED=On .
make install

cd ../spdlog
cmake .
make -j$(nproc) install

cd ../drakvuf-sandbox/drakcore/drakcore/tools/ipt
cmake .
make install

Generate trace disassembly

  1. Perform an analysis with IPT plugin enabled

  2. Download the completed analysis from MinIO to your local hard drive

  3. Find CR3 of the target process you want to disassemble (hint: syscall.log will contain CR3 values)

  4. Execute drak-ipt-disasm --analysis . --cr3 <target_process_cr3> --vcpu 0

  5. After few minutes it should start printing full trace disassembly of the targeted process

  6. You can also try –blocks switch for drak-ipt-disasm to get a list of executed basic blocks for this process

Example (executed basic blocks):

# drak-ipt-disasm --analysis . --cr3 0x735bb000 --vcpu 0 --blocks
[2021-04-19 23:47:41.717] [console] [info] Decoding
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff565088" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff75450f" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff754505" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff75450d" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff5656ac" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff5656dc" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff5656fb" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff565068" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff751530" }
{ "event": "block_executed", "data": "0x7feff751552" }

Example (full usermode disassembly):

# drak-ipt-disasm --analysis . --cr3 0x735bb000 --vcpu 0 | grep -v ptwrite | grep -v cbr
[exec mode: 64-bit]
000007feff565088  movdqu xmmword ptr [rip+0x1b2b80], xmm0
000007feff565090  ret
000007feff75450f  add rbx, 0x8
000007feff754513  cmp rbx, rdi
000007feff754516  jb 0x7feff754505
000007feff754505  mov rax, qword ptr [rbx]
000007feff754508  test rax, rax
000007feff75450b  jz 0x7feff75450f